From Tennis Champion to Business Entrepreneur: Serena Williams is Done with Tennis, But Her Success Story Continues!

Serena Williams’ influence transcends the boundaries of tennis, extending into the realm of investment. Since her retirement in September 2022, Williams has shifted her focus towards investment endeavors. With over a decade of experience in this field, she took a significant step in 2014 by founding Serena Ventures, a venture capital fund aimed at empowering woмеn and underrepresented founders, according to its LinkedIn profile.

Explaining her investment philosophy in a TikTоk video, Williams expressed the importance of diversifying her interests beyond tennis and seizing opportunities in the investment arena.

Williams’ venture capital initiative stemmed from her realization of the lack of investment directed towards certain demographics. Determined to be a catalyst for change, she established Serena Ventures to address this disparity. The company’s portfolio boasts a significant representation of underrepresented founders, with 79% being woмеn, 47% Black, and 11% Latino, as noted on its website.

Williams, reflecting on her motivation, highlighted the alarming statistic that less than 2% of all venture capital funding went to woмеn, and even less to people of color. This awareness fueled her commitment to supporting marginalized entrepreneurs and fostering diversity in the business world.

Since its inception, Serena Ventures has made substantial investments in over 85 companies, including notable startups like healthcare startup HUED and Parfait, an AI-powered platform specializing in customizable wig products, both led by Black woмеn. Williams’ portfolio also includes investments in established companies like MasterClass, valued at $2.75 bιllion in 2021, as reported by CNBC. Notably, Williams estimates that 14 of the companies she has invested in have achieved unicorn status, marking a significant milestone in their growth trajectory. By providing financial backing and support, Williams is not only amplifying the voices of underrepresented founders but also catalyzing innovation and disruption in various industries.