The key things to Jennifer Lopez’s hourglass figure at the age of 54

Dr. Mark Gorman, a cosmetic surgeon in the United States, highly praises Jennifer Lopez’s curves and body proportions. He explains that while there is no fixed standard for evaluating human beauty, the cosmetic industry has established a measure based on the Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) – the narrowest part of the waist divided by the widest part of the hips.

According to studies on wоmen’s attractiveness, those with a WHR around 0.7 are considered to have the golden ratio. According to this measurement by the cosmetic expert, Jennifer Lopez possesses a WHR of 0.7, reaching the “most attractive” threshold.To achieve this appealing figure, Jennifer Lopez consistently maintains a rigorous exercise routine and a strict dietary regimen. J.Lo mentions that regular exercise helps maintain the strength and endurance of the body, and despite her busy schedule, she rarely skips workouts.J.Lo dedicates a significant amount of time to exercises that target firming the waist and hips, such as crunches, squats, push-ups, and more. Her typical workout routine includes:

– 50 hаnging leg raises, and 50 torso twists combined with weights.
– Repeat 35 times for each exercise in the first set.
– Repeat an additional 25 times for each exercise.Hydration is also a daily habit for Jennifer Lopez; she emphasizes drinking plenty of water before exercising to prevent dehydration and fatigue during workouts.In addition to exercise, Jennifer Lopez pays close attention to her dietary habits. To achieve her perfect physique and ideal figure, she limits the consumption of caffeine, salt, and saturated fats. She focuses on a balanced, nutrient-rich diet, eliminating processed foods, sugary items, and foods with preservatives. Excellent foods for maintaining firm waist and hips, such as eggs, salmon, yogurt, tofu, brown rice, lean meat, and oatmeal, are prioritized in the daily diet of the singer.